Join Us  2023

Have you ever wondered what NOW is all aout?  Looking for sisterhood and a way to get involved?  Is there an issue that you'd like to get active around?  Here's your opportunity!  All are welcome!  Our chapter currently meets for a fmeinsit bookclub where we lso discuss chapter business.  Please check our Facebook page or this websites calendar for updates on events.

Join, renew, change information or purchasing a gift or scholarship membership by using the links below.

NOW offers sliding scale dues to anyone for any reason. You do not need to identify the reason.


 1. New Member Form – If you wish to become a new member of NOW, use either of these links.   Please affiliate with Shore Area NOW Chapter # 0275.


2. Renewing Members - This link is for people who already have a membership number and just want to renew.  It is an old link but still works.  Unfortunately, the National website does not have this link on their page. Membership Renewal

If you have lost your membership number, you can contact Abbie via this website's email or the Membership and Development Specialist at National, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Just send an email with your information and our chapter information: Shore Area NOW, #275.


3. Chapter Affiliation for Current At-Large members – At Large members are not officially affiliated with any chapter.  If you wish to affiliate with our Monmouth County chapter, you can do so with the "Change of Information" here or contact Vicki, the Membership and Development Specialist for National NOW, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are Shore Area NOW, #0275.  


4. Need to change an address, phone number, email address, etc?  You can update your information here.  At the bottom of the form, it asks for the “New” chapter name.  Please enter “Shore Area NOW, #0275”. 


5. Want to give a gift membership or a sponsor a scholarship?  Use this form.


6. Need a listing to find other state or local chapters? This link provides an extensive listing of active chapters.