Shore Area NOW Board Meeting

March 14, 2018


·       Review 1Q2018 Shore Area NOW Activity - Lynn

o   Monthly Chapter Meetings

§  Jan – Cancelled due to weather

§  Feb – Maya Abdel-Megid spoke on women in Islam

§  Mar – Tricia & Amber spoke on running for office

o   Committees

§  LGBTQ – active, addressing legislators

§  Repro – on hiatus

§  Ending Violence – on hiatus

o   Treasury

§  Growing

o   Membership Growth

§  Growing

·       How are we doing? - All

o   What is going well?

§  Speakers, format, membership growing

o   What is not going well?

§  Consistent meeting attendance

§  Mission – social? Legislative? educational?

o   What do we want to do about it?/ What do we vision for this organization and how do we get there?

§  Outreach

§  Phonebank

§  Tabling at events

§  Revamp meeting format

·       Review 2Q2018 Shore Area NOW Plan (keeping above in mind) - All

o   Monthly Chapter Meetings

§  April – Sue Fulton

§  May – Meg, clothing swap

o   Committees

§  LGBTQ to continue to focus on local legislative efforts

§  Reignite Ending violence

o   Fundraising

§  Table @ Pride

o   Treasury Requests

§  Pride Festival Tabling Fee: $100

§  Canopy for Tabling: $50-$100(only if necessary)

§  Scholarship offer for Political Candidate Training Program: $100

·       Advertise?

·       Plan 2H2018 Shore Area NOW Activity - All

o   Monthly Chapter Meetings

§  Schedule: September 6th, October 4th, November 1st.

§  Trafficking?

o   Communiqués and Media - Any others beyond what we are doing?

o   Committees (Start (how?), Stop, Continue, Keep Dormant)

§  LGBTQ Rights Committee – next meeting: Friday, 4/13

§  Repro Rights Committee

§  Ending Violence Against Women Committee

§  Constitutional Equality Committee

§  Economic Justice Committee

§  Racial Equality Committee

o   Fundraising

§  Anything else other than Pride Festival?

·       Shore Area NOW Presence at State NOW Meetings

Next Board Meeting – Wednesday, 6/27