Shore Area NOW Board Meeting

June 29, 2018



·       Review 2Q2018 Shore Area NOW Activity - Lynn

o   Monthly Chapter Meetings

§  April – Sue Fulton spoke on her experiences in the military and running for office. Sue is the Executive Director, Women in the Service Change Initiative (WiSCI) and an appointed member of Gov Murphy's transition team.

§  May – Meg Cubano spoke on working to break the cycle of poverty and ending homelessness in Central NJ. Meg is the Community Engagement Director for Homefront.

§  June – Shore Area NOW tabled at NJ Pride Festival in Asbury Park.

o   Committees

§  LGBTQ – active, addressing legislators, gaining momentum

§  Repro – on hiatus

§  Ending Violence – on hiatus

o   Treasury

§  Growing

o   Membership Growth

§  Stable

o   Social Media and Internet Presence

§  Steady

·       Future of Monthly Chapter Meetings - All

o   The leadership team noted that although there is usually fairly good attendance at the monthly chapter meetings, there is only a small set of consistent attendees. Attendance seems to be based on the subject matter. Not having a consistent set of attendees makes it challenging to have the impact the group desires.

o   The leadership team decided to have more social events for meetings and less structured meetings so members have time to speak to each other and get to know each other. The idea is that a larger consistent set of core members will evolve. Shore Area NOW will continue to have speakers at Chapter Meetings but will have them less frequently.

·       Review 3T2018 Shore Area NOW Plan (keeping above in mind) - All

o   Chapter Meetings

§  September (date to be determined) - Barbecue Pot Luck

§  November 1st - Human Trafficking - Abbie to confirm Sue Flynn from the New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking as speaker.

o   Committees

§  LGBTQ to continue to focus on S1569 and A1335.

§  All other committees on hiatus until leadership emerges.

o   Fundraising

§  Table at the NOW NJ Conference on September 22, 2018 at the Robert Wood Johnson Conference Center in Hamilton, NJ.

o   Treasury Requests

§  Should there be a fee for attending the NOW NJ Conference, Shore Area NOW will consider scholarships for those members who will table at the event.

o   Communiqués, Social Media and Internet Presence - Continue

·       Next Board Meeting – Friday, 12/14, at 5:00pm.